

Tell me, if you were me entering upon a very small town with this one Adam, at that age, you wish?! And...inside that every relationship, its you let go. Tell me that ET might say at the beginning of their wise console. You always leave alone in life where that Bible someone told you, you don't remember whom told you.

Then BTX all this ending imagination you listen to what I say, and you go and compare what if you were any of them from UB. At the ending of the death bed without their parents.

One Ella Enchanted, one BTX ending.

Tell me.... No one gets Sammy, no one gets Martin, no one gets me.

Swiss, German, Taiwan.

(Not including the Summerset, their parents are the doctors)  When you say, someone like this list its only 1 year being there, and each takes a very very long international flight, such as a luggage you imagine on the airport, to depart, at the departure statue. Its you being polite and wave that away, and each of this 3 people going into their reality, No one knows that journey how far it keeps going, and what else they done in their life.


You didn't collect the Madrigal photo collected art

To where 3 of us shows up one line, each has a microphone and talk in English.

So you air one Ella Enchanted final ending. That is what things not being done.

Me, Hailey's dad, and Adam's Dad

Same thing, one looooooooong, too long of the table. Try to stare at the right thing in front of you.  Twilight

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