
Something about tearing it down Mark?

?!  The music? 

My monitors are filled up Red Panda, Tiger, and...the animals? 

To the 5 Westlife human, talks to Shane

Right, in Irish your language, you don't need to tell me including you talking to your agent or Shane or whom to Shane, or each other buddy. Your agent and Shane. One of those. Shane has a method how he talks to Westlife company. 

Is this about Nicky = the father, Shen = the mother?

... ... without me, that kind? oh ~

My father?

Tina and Pang's stuff. I was telling you the Truth? No, not like that. He goes anywhere but near around here, just be happy somewhere else. Why don't they literally take per word I actually say? Literally every word? I don't have a dad, he creates way enough problems everywhere, JUST DON'T BE HERE. GET OUT.

No need for the GIFTS, your entire WESTLIFE! He is NOT A THING.

I will purchase all that myself give it to....ROC, telling them my father has a name tag there. Sorry the Taipei Mayor, when Pang's dad returns, Pang's dad can go and pick it up !!!

I don't HAVE THEM the uncle of the aunt. That is MY MOTHER'S RELATIVE!

How come no one listening one word I say?  WE DON'T have the family gathering time. NOT ME. Pang or....if Pang there, TINA?

NOT ME, NOT ME, NOT ME. I NEVER return Taiwan, it is not even in Taipei. Ma'am Ching Hai used to be the Ashram. 

I think its August 14 in America, this would be Monday night, 7:30? At the concert...so this is not my phone ....Not my facebook and not my phone. No, Linkedin is mine.  I have the NASA and ESA on it. 

My brother?  Don't know him. It must be next Tina, FOREVER NEVEr NEED TO Know her. You mean the handicap? For sure its the social welfare responsibility, donation money for at it.....transform you mean??? A girl looks like Karen's sister? Toby !!!

We don't talk to each other. She is in the real bio lab world. Never me. I never in any lab in the UB time, in case the rest of the junks you don't know where they belong?

So this must be Canada ex bf Nick (Shut up, Birds)


No he is not from the jail. His cousin was ....at Italy or dead must be by now. 

You mean SMCH? 

Don't know. Didn't you read or see the Pinterest? I didn't know One HUMAN in Taiwan, I never plan to return to Taiwan, EVER. Just that day dropped in Canada, no preparation !!!! Already 5 Lords Reviews, don't you listen to me one word, Nicky?


They are the UB Honor Program, Dr. T that was the Honor class.

The class and the Program, called the Honor Program IS DIFFERENT !! How come they didn't listen to one word I ever say? 


Apple, Coldplay?

I think those people might really think they were Tesla to begin those talk must be. Between him and him.

Something disappear in front of me? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Hwr1MGClQmE

You mean I am Babaji's Tiger?

I don't know what it is.

I say that again, since the middle school point on, I have no more parents and those whatever relatives. We don't have anything other the school, and apparently i stay up to 9 oclock at night bike home in the 9 oclock or 8:40 pam. ( The last year 9th grader years), so you have all of this rudimentary subjects including, "How I make you feel" from Westlife.

I don't know

I don't care

I don't see

You mean all this Ancient Chinese drama. They are dead. I already finished talking about this. This conversation is over. 

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