
Tamang and Dean are in 2 different direction, but none of them going to be becoming a monk at all.

Tamang going it down, it might be his physical health issue.

Dean is a white and the tall guy. No matter what those circumstance he has a lot more friends all around him. You as the American white even as a girl, you suppose to have the friends not limited to the middle school classmates. People like any of them don't go and seclude themselves ....you saying he gaining a what fame to abuse the Buddhism doctrine, at least anyone will ask me permission first. That is a NO!

"Once you getting a fame, or before you getting a fame, your parents countries being destroyed, and you go and becoming a monk?"

The guys cared about the money ! 

Meaning a career to support that life style no matter what kind of the career that is. When the money becoming big, they just naturally shift themselves to the responsibility. None of that its to renunciate the entire world - Its a freedom choice of will they live a normal life with or without the girls, that is on their own perfect weekend doing what not things. Not to control them or leash them to becoming a monk!!!!

The guys are not what you imagine when you saying you are too perfect to be true, they look at you, NOT as a nun, what not things as you = the girls belief. NO. You are too good to be true ! I say too many times.

I am NOT on their facebook

How would I know what they do to go out on the weekend, and ending up on the facebook what photo, that is not to becoming a monk. You can just erase your entire facebook, not to look at it, starting with the precepts !!!!

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