
The cloud: The China photo

No, I didn't do anything with China. Taiwan itself, let's say....if I cannot understand what that American Embassy things, so I look at the American map, nothing on any of them starting with Wing, I stop. I saw that I stopped. But if I seeing nothing on the American map.....right, I burn away my facebook, but I know some of their personal name in my brain.

no, I keep my passport, but I stop to think what's going on. There are things I see, I look, I wait, and I think about. None of that will ever to do with any of the guys, including Westlife. Taipei here its a safe world, I can tell you how I grow up here, so while my family not dead yet, I have sufficient time think about my life. That time Westlife none of any of this boy group I ever heard them. Not really.

But now I see them, they look like a nice people to me. I am not as tense as before. You...probably didn't try to understand what is one me imagine a story such as a TV. How real its the TV, and what I draw to Simon, stay out of my sight from Taiwan coastline behind me 2 line to California Stripe that time 2018-2020.

Taiwan as I grew up, its a safe world. Probably also made it for me too, or you intend to saying that why any world Metropolitan, the police didn't rise up the last 30 years methods, to becoming a lot more sufficient?

I grew up to and til ....I don't have a mood person in life. I don't have a liking or dislike that much in real life other than comment Tina Jojo that is those are nothing but psycho brain. 

Its a comment, there is no emotion in it. The criminal belongs to the criminal. I keep saying that.

I personally don't have a want for any material good neither.

I have a lot of things don't have don't have don't have inside me, one of which is never those tears on my faces. You can squeeze my muscle on the literally the electricity surge voltage like the 5 Lords reviews, but not literally you meant, why your brain or my brain...

Its how I synthetize my tear glands. You have no shame keep doing that....really. 

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