
The educator will be like Lalla looking back and forth, same Adria looking back and forth....

This too shining of thy Self whom else together be in the mud down naked all together, wrestling on the 20 dollar lunch drink and wine bar chicken wing wing wing? Fried food? 

Pina Cola da.

Repeat 100 times both of you.

In this world, there are only the Laws & Reinforcement, after you get out of the UB. So anything inside when they got fired, including that Earth Asian Prince if were....I don't really know. Then so known in this Zawanna sunshine world itself, they have both the Zen and spirituality inside that meditation to calm down the fast pace of the Capitalism built-up. 

No, they don't need to be that telepathy. They just have a cultural and the money digits sign, their parents will tell you differently. 

The educators (2+), if were, like me = whichever this position, can only shed tiny bit wisdom and the life guidance in your life, to them, its you begging that 2+ up. I am the one volunteer, remember? I got the power and the mind power too. So....the criminal justice its mostly likely you intend to say to Zawanna their world, no matter if it will never opens, your retify your Prince Han idea, its by bowing down your head to the service to the whole humanity no matter what.

Meaning just like a monk lifes for teaching the minimum wage just like you know, or all around you know, not the princess life or the prince life. Its the minimum wage almost, and you yelling none stop in the school, you realize, that provide life in Zawanna world, were only water and sunshine, and that 

Loving the Silent Tear +500 -  -500 dollar bracket.

but you will have 2 frames looking fine here. Its a TV fames, you rising up the 2+ new stars among this, you all saying how UB groups activities were so important, because the people face getting near by and breath on it, it was not a piece of paper in that bank, so that relatively speaking how significant to one's life at all. And Zawanna's intention and style, I am sure you heard all those word, every single one last his meant well.

By now, I can tell you this.

I know exactly why Zawanna saying that, to Dean. Really.  All this monk look, Simon's flower life last time I say you want to join them. You like the prince idea, and he meant you lay low like Prince Harry kind.....that TV was real.

In where the horse shit at, you will smell all day long and wonder, that life how long that will be. When you remember that life in your own evolution, just not right now, you will tell someone in the future, why that horse shit smell, and the poo heavy weight, to your 4 limbs too tired to get out a fence poor looking and smell, its your physical structure, someone warning you never stop, and tell me....why that punishment was exactly meant the future your own alibi? 


You have only one choice when the TV is like this, its exactly the right things they say, you kneel, you bow, you flat yourself. Anything funny, they meant already, its exactly like the TV meant it.....

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