
What? The 194 countries if the Material Science not the engineer in general? Chemical or Physical chemistry, physics engineer or double E? Good Morning America

Why don't you get a real career, not just a job.

I told you a lot of the guys are not good. Their attitude its bad when in the arguments, and you all girls are very loud. I can just say nothing and walk away. But when you saying 2 people be together, in the end, that is a table everyone talking about its the number. Not like you all just believing it, I told you every guys lie to you. Their attitude is very bad. 

They these engineering are what you saying they built up the physical already in the assembly line, the factory assembly line, do you know what that is? Apple used to be in China, and now migrant to India, those are what you known them as the assembly line, the factory assembly. You need to add "the factory" in front of it. No, not those governmental politics. 

In the real industrialist, the industry them at this assembly line, they have a standard to manufacture almost every kinds of the bolts and knots. That means its in the standard of....you cannot do anything else different. The metal melting, the mode to these you can only create something if the measurement are in the standard hardware store or Wal-mart.

Anything else you imagine, you create on your own.

So the chemical engineer, like that Pang's financee in Rama 1/2 her dad is. That is one kind. There is double e, there are IT, there are etc etc, meaning you seeing me doing this Black Ops video before Westlife, I drawing you per line on the paper. Those are having some artitech in mind, the space oriented.

If I would just describe you what I think the material science, its they borrow the people from to go to these military complex included (the above description), they do calculation and theorist. Because....those whom can get in what you know of the material science, its very easy to die.

Literally, might just all looking the same to you.

Dying ones.

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