
When you don't have that much money, you intent to eat out, because you use the labor work (4 limbs)

Those heavy weight lifting jobs. You see those Chinese take-out for the lunch time, and even the white they eating those gravy type of the fast stir fried. That thick paste in order to generate a taste, they need to use the MSG. 

At home, that technique is called 勾芡 its from the topioca flour. When you were in those UB ugly store all around, if you know those store like near that Wagman, there is one Chinese ugly store and the Indian store. If you know your recipe, you will just get the ingredient or the spice bottle and go. There are a lot of things I don't need, but I only get the things I really need.

You all don't care about that details in life, or at least when I was with Nick, that is his mind going so many direction inside that Toronto from downtown to Scarbrough, all the Asian store, he had took me, so he used to be developing time at early Toronto, he was the immigrant, and getting the job around here. Meaning the store why the way they are, he goes to find out. When I coming near, maybe he just becoming worse. I never comment one thing he does. Not really. 

To generate a taste, you have only a certain structure of the food. The solid or the liquid parts. Maybe while you just dating the guy, from the girl's side, you only doing one thing at one time, learn that perfectly. It will NEVER stress yourself to 1000%, compete and compared. That guy had a point - the gifting purple Rosebery chocolate. You are WAY too tense, too nervous, too a big deal, its just one damn chocolate, some human just throw them out in the garbage can. 


I don't eat the milestone or the bean soup those....but they are just the tomato sauce with oil fried inside the pot between the carrots and celery. The bean soup its really you putting the creme to become as fat as giant like those Mexican. You keep the taste the same, they know what that is they drink in Wegman those take-out isle, the container food place + the crackers.

They use the frozen package from the Wal-mart, to that bean soup, you just dump everything in it and cooked. I don't eat the bean. I hate those small tiny peas or the beans. They get fat aren't they?


With the bread crumb seriously, even the dollar store selling those white white white white process bread for some people cannot afford it. The oil + parsley (bottle), that is a hell of the bread crumb itself, and a vaccum chicken meat to lightly boiled, and thin tear meat, on the salad, These are not the only food, but at least you knowing the details something decent, and you all girls don't eat to get a stomach ulcer, these food will keep thin, AND NOT the stomach ulcer !!!!


I don't think the American...  no longer eating any rice, forget about it. Switch to Pasta. 

※※※ Forget it about anything about any Amazon rice cooker, or Taiwan this ugly cooker with the steaming egg or the boiled egg in it, you can put the 2 dozen in it and make it a maple syrup like the facebook guy did. 

💝 ※※※ Pasta ※※※ 💝

Boiling the pot ....one person table food like any of your interior design of the self made wealth. Its one person in-room service, you can make yourself so perfect in that one person space without any noise, someone steps on your nerves

That box contains 454 g means the 4 serving, that is the industrial unit, I cannot change that...I can take the rice away, JUST NOT the PASTA.

※  The pasta salad = cold

※  The Hungarian gulash beef + the fan pasta = warm

I can just cut some very peeled cucumber with a diamond shape in front of that dishes + some ginger slice + the cold beets + clean cut and washed olives. You have one of those 3 container of a plate?  https://shinkorea.com/products/korean-side-dish-sauce-dish-banchan-plate

Maybe not like this thumbnail (The first video)

The Sailor Moon Book 14, from Book 11.

When people lack, everything you are, is 5 oclock every metro station front rush home, you have a lunch box, not necessary you prefer to make a lunch box, just sometimes that expense and spending didn't meet up the...monthly goal.

Your job if its 10,000 dollar not Gexico insurance phone receptionalist.

Those are the Indian accent. 

You spent the money when you are younger, so you do eat out.

For people whom making it in life, there will be those Twist Company focus client. Those client do watch the TV or the online Youtube Channel, because the life its relax, and they go to the gym. Poor people don't go anywhere other than that 9-5 oclock jobs to maintain a -500 dolar per monthly if not next month 500 dollar + you wish.

And just because you don't have the IQ to make it, you start to calling everyone to make them feel bad, or feel worse, or looking down upon them because you think you doing much better than they are. Or their presentation or their mimic, mild personality or their interview. You go and critique them. You mix up your own thinking, every last thread. 

I do not require to talk to any of you all gonna be on the street to meet up that 10,000 dollar income if that is one job you acquire first. You have no career, and America makes it very discern, unless you stand up, walk up, or write-up or sound like exactly a mature, verbalize, clear tone, clear look, clear math structure, they dump you on the street.

Maybe not literally, but I think they do worse because the more modern Western Society, that will be us think of them I think. Our country is no good, because too much the population, so everyone thought to strive for America or any Western World. We will have to keep our head clear, or no matter what, that is just one hell of the textbook. 

Everyone does the same, the Eastern or Western World.



Cheese Bread


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