
You have that sheet ....

This SA has a lot of the guys like those AJ looking next by the neighbor Nick Carter 19-99

They are your best pal?  The guys like the boy's own happy cartoon, just this one point, you lose all the TV or the movie gerne lawsuit I will just tell you that. Its not that complicated, really.

BTX - Final Scene


I probably try to tell you they are your best pal til which points then ...on.

Think this.....the table gonna change

1. Bio,   Black, Dr. Bing Shen, Toby and Lee (all bio)

2. This one women or 10 girls whichever you seeing the commanders

3. The Asia location, in case you have to locate differently including the Pixie idea.

They will be in China in Sep.

Christmas is not that far you know. Westlife gonna be here in Nov.

You seeing them the TV effect they are the genuine guys. Of course they are genuine, think, think think....Sep gonna pass. Nov gonna arrives.

Lose Weight?

Your real life its 1 and 2 and 3. If they Westlife didn't talk to me, its an interface glass, someone pass and gone. You ever felt, nothing personal? Never the money personal, so those things? They are not real. Its not inside your bank, its not real.

Many people will focus 1.

Many will focus at 2 

Some will focus on 3.

Each of that, Lee is not real neither. Within themselves its one time table chain someone's right hand on the table. But they are? Trying to understand what? How to eat one meal without me?

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