
No, no people.

I repeat this video, because sometimes its not that the content in which I am talking about, you have to understand everything in one day. There is no people in the scene, not you have the ability no matter what. My whole life has no people in it.

You coming in as the civilian to imagine you dominating the American what? The American military, when? 2014? And that is without the classified material or Black Ops?

You coming in as the group of the existing military, you sure about that? You yourself inside your own classmate, you are the leadership, so that pack of the boys and the girls, you mean you are bossing them? Or you just follow their order or my saying or figure it out?

You have to take down American before you coming in, no matter how you phase this or re-phrase this. You cannot trigger the law when you feel like, there is only one direction what you gonna do? You suspend your America court lawsuit? You file untruth thing, and then you intend to manipulate the classified world by bossing at the classified military and what kinds are these military inside the classified, you tell me whom gonna found out? 


Tell me today is Sunday or tomorrow your time. What's exactly the prayers you are reading it out loud inside your head? When we are discussing a materials, meaning I am bringing you the step by step, your brain is cluster of 

"My mother calls today." "Where is my dad?" "I need to check my own facebook."

 "Sorry I lost which password."  "Do I have that print it out?" "I need to go to the office depot no printing technology HP5550, what's that?" "Its lunch time."

You are about to freak out, or you are freaking it out yesterday its no one, its a very real life situation and you start to feel everyone its against you, you never think for me, and now you are thinking or try to think like me. I had a dream last night.

I think its similar to when I first met Dr. Steven, meaning if he is Purna's first life dad, Nicky its someone's dad or Shane is. That entire structure might be real, just Purna never met her dad at the first life. 

No, I think 26 now 36 has someone billionaires statues, without the digital world. Its a quiet neighborhood the quiet household. Its one-to-one talk those even, you mean the mentoring if they search for it. Its a little bit older guy in America I think. Without the film-ing set.

No I saw it last time we talk about this Parents Trap issue.  He might be a mix. 

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