
194 - biz & Finance

Its your personal Finance then? So that is the Lovely Bone on that 90s Susie's show right? Meaning you have a credit card debts or something like the personal line loan credits? Like you raise up your credit card, or something American Express or something you get borrowing going, that is called the Finance?

The Finance World?

I personally don't know how long they kept me this Honorable Superior

Because I live on for 10 years almost like that, mix in between Obama that time Commander-in-Chef. He is. Okay?! I don't care what you think or say, I repeat this thousand time. Your American President or any democracy world President, there is only one person that is one Commander-in-Chef. I substitute that Music, with a lot of the other 10 rudimentary subjects including the cooking, so they gonna pay me. That will not be 10,000 NT you saying your summer working hard a hard summer job.

These are not included any lawsuit I filed, to what things they later given to me. They probably can tell me, whom they are going to compete = in the Religious World, like Vatican, even youth, or old. Just side way asking me their profile photo with their so far achievement, being polite. 

For example, inside this 5 Major religion, they gonna pick each religion one Pope + 10 Bishop, that is 55 people. 

I will be like a W two world



Still. I am still that OU. Because they don't really know why they have to get going with the religion, but they prepare themselves, or they find out why. So on Earth, they change this 5 Major religion in a several time I read, because there is a Harry Potter 4 Table. Regardless, they will let me know. There will be the youth going after that, along that training. In itself, that job its a side by monitor, or if they just being polite, they get that going. The details I won't know. - this is the 2015 jobs.

That is not the American Medical Board I say plug your Parsley, or Cilantro those a real physical touch of your physical details, to the physical hands in coordination of your eye sight and the hand, balance or standing inside the kitchen those tempament, make you a better person. That is a free will choice, but they want that Flower Thousand Bone, so I did tell them that. - Still the 2015 jobs. These are something with the title + the 10 years within the reach, probably paid

That is that, and that. Its not everything else. But these jobs might continue, let's say, they found out something, these youth, or the old admin these youth, each other of them got very very nervous, let's say like the SMTV, they already have that 40 years data as that SMCH present to them, so in the religious sector of all world. I am the Honorable Superior still. Because I am still very young.

Department of the public hygenic

Department of the FDA or Health Administration

Department of the Education

The public hygienic is actually those the real college major such as the public health sector. There is a little bit different of anything I told you above. Because for that COViD 19, every video youtube submit anything to bio, or health, or virus, they taken to this Public Health Administration whichever the Chinese I know the correct name. In America, I didn't stay their news, or see their conference microphone in front of a logo. Here is a very brief I saw.

Its a little bit similar to this High School Teacher does the science classroom demonstrate. In Taiwan, they have this advertising, no drugs, no alcohol, no smoking. The public smoking is removed, one of those.

These things have many many layers. They aren't from the American Medical Board, because they meant I go and rule the world. When I told them the Universal Police, and expectation to Outside, then they have to re-done, or research, or re-write, or find out through Classified, and communication from their side to ensure everything I say or why I saying that. It will be a lot of the money if I rule the world, if not the universe, they will tell you that one scenario, but I say that is not true. Its the Capitalism. They wasn't sure any of that, because there is those Ancient Chinese drama, so they get going that finding it out.

However, anything Is submit in 2020, or all this Smallville, or the women's health. None of that were Medical Board says rule the world. It was ....I decide to blah on 1) testing them, or women's 4 limbs, to get rid of the war. I give them about 7 things how to stop the war.

So....I don't really know where those jobs ending up.

None of that are the lawsuit. These are just simply the things I submit through Youtube, or I talked about it on the blogger. Health side. The general public health idea.  Frozen - itself has their authority, these agency, they do by their own free will. 

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