
194 thinking through ...

How in 10 years, that one sheet from that future other military officers given their sons or daughter of that same A4 one sheet paper, and today you saying what you will say to yourself in 10 years, or 10 years ago?  Only the regent like me require to talk, and I am not you replaced me? Any of Me? I know that last week, I don't know how to open my mouth talking to you the last time I say. Simple? The song melody change the next half. (3:22)

The human like me, if any court calls me, I just have to relocate to that court and sit there and wait. I told that one time, no matter which pacific ocean here region, I say that one time, too big and wide spread of the airline from here to anywhere. But maybe they just sort all that in American Congress, I don't know. I still may not be physically here. I return here...right. Japan, Korea or China included. 


中國劇本: 新笑傲江湖  by Wallace Huo 霍建華 

That was 2013

We are in 2023

China 中國

Korea 韓國

Japan 日本

Airport 飛機場

Passport 護照

Local Court 地方法院

Supreme Court 最高法院

The court paper 法院那張紙

The Judge 法官

The law proceeding method, the lawful procedure 法律程序

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