
America means I rule the world really legally. I just told them there is a universal police system - they found out or they fake, it’s right in Asian it’s a girl.

Westlife doesn’t need to go to China, “it might be hard but America that’s a green card to work on”.

They prefer me coming back to America. Uh….I think I stay here for a while in Taiwan really.  You don’t really let me use the internet freedom. Not in America that’s the Silicon Valley those aggression people by their height says.

Right … I can travel to the court here in Asia. 
Didn’t I say yesterday you have a White House and Britney movie the issues. 

I think they meant politically what’s right. From the American board or where is my freedom bound, they say ruling the world, or the full universes.

Are you a psycho or you are serious ?

You guessing it the universe outside or you asking me?

Outside anywhere including this UB Seth, there is a FULL Universal Police I say did you check they just drag you to the black hole ? That’s hell !!! SMCH says. American board says if they do that, you still rule the worlds, they try to get me back from the black hole?

Are you a psycho ???

The outside world it has to be a real thing. Everything be real. Both the spiritual power and the spirituality and it’s the proven or validate by the high tech. And those Central and the universal police force power are like you governmental employee. In a very limited term, I say 6 Star, or 6 Eyes system. The star and Galaxy reason. You cannot get through the classify in America, isn’t it?

Did you read them clearly ?

Underground or somewhere, there is what you meant those one million ahead civilization technology those you American claim. You pretend to annihilate China by them?

It’s facebook !! Mark !! Everyone told you !!

They ban the certain media in China, isn’t the facebook is one of them? They want to open China territory and I wonder how far they reach anyway to pretend one me issue. When you used to coming out fresh from the college not the university ….one day you have the money but that face of yours are not used to be, you seen yourself how it ends at that Justin’s movie ?

You don’t understand the movie or you want me to explain to everyone the movies means ….? That Westlife Mark has a different growing up, was a shy person on talking on the camera. Ireland has no hope places as the America, and you the facebook Mark, the branding since 1984….?

You pretend yourself like Google or they keep quiet I cannot understand it? You mean you were the youth to replace the old? You are that old? 

This must be that American medical board psycho again I rule the world theory but it will never be you ?? The credential paper that piece of stamp paper, that after Bill Gates, that’s all that means?

60,000 tuition fees ….that’s forbidden !! You must touch my FAFSA? This is a very awkward thing someone will tell you a civilian record or you pretend I was? Always just a civilian. 
So?? You want to keep pretending what happened on the system files you cared so much your own lies inside your head, or this graduation speech at Harvard warm your heart? You will never be in it, you don’t seem to require doing that so. 

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