
Any bigger household such as those idol gods, or you use which English word "Idol worship God's"

No, I know. That is not your regular teaching in the old testament, guess what God's name saying that? People whom at those probably you mean the only means to be "normal", don't have any of your attitude. This society trying to say healthy.

The Corporation format such as you seeing how many kids coming to the house to play, one of those the guy loves the girls way too much, the ex husband has a kid? You want to think of one way to get those Reptilian upper or lower military rank seeing if they are the male or female. Say it?!  Not in our reality. The government only says be responsible for you yourself, or your aging parents, and in today's world, they have many other means when that money can supplent itself. You mean in which responsibility when the kids show up and play?

Those are not very encouraged, at least to my point of view. But saying if everyone make it to the heaven standard.  Gods are very normal in every part of life. Why they are Gods?

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