
Otter - Good morning ! Kaboso


Good morning Kabosu, Is that your name, you speaking in your native language, is that the Japanese? You like to play with some of your race? I seen so many of you doing this - they gaining too much weight on the butt. You got anything nice towel, White, you like White? The opposite color of your skin. Your care taker. You have the fur, you trim yourself? I know one Japanese otter name Ma ko or Sa Chen, and some other whom parenting many kids. They probably gonna give away. Someone is lonely, you think its the human or you or Ma ko...right?! Question mark in English mean uncertain, unsure, unclear. You like them, where you from?


You want some tooth brush and trim your hair all around, you gonna look more handsome?! Massage your mouth around slowly and gently, and second tooth brush at your gum or teeth, and you use the dental floss? At the teeth? Go to sleep...you know the rules? Your throat want some clean water? The kid beverage juice, I am telling you a lot of your kinds gaining a lot of the butt weight if seeing the camera from behind you. You care about it? Behind them, the butt, your color is black / dark. I think you care about it, isn't it? Your butt from behind, inside the camera, walking toward, not opposite at it?


You know what is the cotton bar, its one of these we blonde girl use for the nail, or the first aid kit. If a clean tape water its free touch your inner eye knot all around, your paw, your feet.....you shut up?!

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