
) ) )) ) ) )

oh ! I know, you mean 98 Degree but there are 2 South Africa, my power cord broken, it was my finger tip to pick those hair brush for hair cut, and dusty, so I clean up but the computer has to re-started.

Before the PC down, its was Shane's face.

Now its Ronan's face.

There is an Amazing Video after that Chinese newest 2 pigs swing to each other, having a list read.

I usually just use the Dollar Store those party plastic plate like red or blue and some birthday napkin, the boy's or girl's napkin, the table funny looking. But usually the guys have those social events to outting outside, where the patio, right? Not necessary the deck. You all can eat together. No, I don't need to go. Not really.

The music producer and all that, or you all knowing the personel, I eat in the hotel, not those tooooooooooo big plate in America, then the half of that literally goes to Nicky's plate, I meant literally, if you believe what I told you. I cannot eat any of that stuffs. Sorry, Kian is fine. Nicky and Kian's plate, this is the time they are needed. 

Like Right Now - Westlife is on the Stage

BTX is on the Stage, to the bio people like that jail human, me or Dr. Bing

We live through enough that life that already offered in itself.

What? If I get to Ireland with Westlife, I don't know if they decide what to be honest...but correct I pull my brother out of this, sometimes the guys know some of the girls or just be around, or the guy too. I think in Ireland like I understood from Shane. I just got stuck too many things, so I cannot tell, I will pull that Pang out of this. 


They 4 be the Bio - this is a specific group, the specific "Bio Chemistry" "Molecular Biology" "Bio-technology" group with the lab and the peer reviews journal groups. 


I think its Nicky and probably Kian is some part of this too. Nicky gone to the military, I drink air if he is somewhere else, I have no idea? I think I make enough money to keep them both. To me that is fine. There is another comic book 白色圓舞曲, I am not sure what it was, but to me, I just take what its told to me, and I understand. That to me is fine. 

What do I mean if we live through enough life?

I live through enough life just this 10 years, seriously, I done everything I could. With that one Babaji internal, or 5 Lords Reviews, to me from the internal weaken on the TV is like a second. I literally feel very very dying. I don't have a thought about not to survive. I always survive, but if I describe to you, I got pushing it down 1000 times, and hold on to get back up no matter what. I never let things loosen or let go, that is probably I can describe per month I looking at this July to when it will be August, then Sep, how far it is to Jan. By the time Dec the second half, I was let lose, no more. So I only came back to that 5 Lords review at Jan 26th, finish the rest of that. 

All of that, I remember literally. I never cry, and someone squeeze me this low electricity voltage, and I just lay there alone at this dark space tear it down. To someone whom never putting a tear inside my eyes to many days just lay there....like that.

I don't know how to describe to you ...Those life I live through that per burn, or per...all that doing.

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