
I have heard that song, no, there is a Chinese word in it. Signature

Melody is a part of the Japanese Hallo Kitty, I bought a lot of that, not the Hallo Kitty itself, this one. I remember it was a sad song. Its an old song.

No, at the beginning I didn't know what that is. Everything its the 4 points frame, I understand that is a lot more like a talent parts to create a lot of that songs or the original creation. The rest, all the face I cannot tell apart, the first name and the last name.

And its a little bit impolite, you saying you putting a what in front of you face this big giant Youtube enlarge, their vevo stuffs. I don't usually watching that. I try to probably understand it.

I am not really that tense for a lot of this stuffs, but right, I might ask them later....I remember it ! That exist long time ago so the conversation carried on. Like you go and begin a conversation, so I understand the main singer its Shane. I went to his facebook blast on. Right, I know his side of that story the newspaper. Sometimes just talking to someone its not an extra things to do.

... No, its not like that.

I have other things that I understand, so it wasn't anymore issue of my entire life, its what I say, its God's will to be done. I will tell him that. With or without the help. I personally can do a certain thing myself.  I think the rest of the guys are fine, just one Shane. You mean a guy with the debts to eat free, I can supply enough with that, living and eating, to keep someone living and sleep through all that. Like you know, buying the sets of all the clothing, the shoes.

You know how Dr. Shen begins? My grandpa, my mother's dad, took him in America to purchase some of the stuffs he needs, he walks miles to carry 2 kids, and one time to the hospital. That is his life through since Ph.D.

I personally think Westlife that company take care of all that before Shane imagine anything, they will. I understand that too. They won't wait til the last min, anyone associate with Shane, any friend, any dealing he has to talk to them first, not that huge sum of the development idea. I trust that his company more than this newspaper. Right.


No, I am a type of the human, the faults will never be me. Not that points. No. 

I am a type of the human, I will never blame myself.

You can keep saying that, you would told me in face if that is what things in the legal sense before I show up anywhere, but they were behind, so...I didn't take it it was on purpose. 

I am not that tense in life, so I just wait.

My face doesn't look like.... "oh ~ you are saying?"

"All this year?"

"I cannot HEAR YOU, say it AGAIN?"

Of course I am not in fear. There is nothing concrete, not even inside that book....its conceivable, not touchable. The thinking is conceivable, not literally hand to go and touch and feel it. Toooooo small.

No, the cell has to be open. You cannot break a cell by a toothpaste? 

Salt, but that is the first wall. 

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