
BTX ending


Lawsuit I trigger ...the felony case, me the similar to Dr Bing, to the painting of that black eye glasses guy all bio brain in different race. They are the emotional guys attribute, but we understand a certain things….therefore all this UB group activities will delay 10 to 20 years or indefinite as long as we shall ever lived. 

The Age of Adeline. For any life loss or regain to live on reason, it’s every possible excuse to seek life and live on, and I will. 


This ending songs will be very scared to those like you in 40 years seeking that Ella Enchanted.

Maybe you will truely understood when your parents gone, or sibling grey hair + white hair that time, because you used to believe the appearance right now, and many will be thrown in jailed that time coming out.

1) They are jailed til grey hair + mentor the youth, they like the face = Prince Charles.

2) These are you didn't know 1) means, because you don't have a reason to mentor, they are the jailing one.

To this controlled group and the experiment groups,

Some scientists will never get this wrong what it means, when you saying your prayers to the day you closing your eyes.

Ella Chanted + BTX ending.

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