
BTX, my side this information Hive (Black Christian Priest) - because the Grey or that lady....will tell you American they lie to you.

Its a pure Capitalism, in America. 

Meaning that church doesn't have a support, but the real sunshine world, they meant its a real spirituality throughout. Meaning morality, and Zen practice and meditation to enhance your mind, your focus, your health, your listening to that overall population, the collective consciousness means the upliftment of the spiritual endow that Capitalism democracy activates all go hand-in-hand.

But their 3, or 6, 9 zero one of those, its even if you get jail, you still gonna have the family or the 3 meals. as long as you don't be that Lalla no money human racing car on the road outside for fun. She did it for fun reason. She didn't think that is a big deal. The City planning entire strategic its the same as we are here. Similar. The police only at where the human congregation service, such as where the ambulance can reach when you call 911.

America, if you are smart, you only embark, Education, IT Silicon Valley, Bank, Laws, Medical, all board above, or the regular MD. If these are your only career, yeah Military, the military doctors. That will be your only exit choice.

The Federal or the State workers, right, but those are the part of the governments, you mean those that Central Lady, she doesn't look any of that in the BTX. No, that is governmental. A lot of you vow your eternity has nothing to do with your flag of your own government, I will tell you that. Its a shame about your national flag.

My personal situation have too many external factor input, including the American themselves. So I cannot feel the real things as much. I can recommend you these real jobs or occupation I can see in the external overall humanity - the economic reason. 

Meaning at my course of time, I was inept for a very long time, but when the situation if breaks open, I will be taken to tutor, or library service, or a clear 5 grand hotel, polish up a certain thing. That is probably written somewhere because of the certain situation, so I personally cannot feel it. Its uncertain, my entire feeling its uncertain about something. 

So if right now I am sure what it is, its all from the external factor.

I cannot find it for you this information. I am not part of your situation whichever inside your life, you being doctrine from your TV, or all around.  If they tell you from the TV, right, its lawful, like those Susie shows. But in my life, I don't believe in the credit card or the debts, that was the math. You are abnormal. That is not right.

I think the TV has a lot of the correct things including your regular TV news or some movies ideas. Like CSI, but those jobs turn over rate about 1 year, and mostly the guy will tell you, its the guy has the brain. They look pretty in the uniform. 

For example?

If they have CSI, and you watching it all day all night, meaning you like them, how they talk?!

or ER, like you love that entire literacy, the look, or the talking between each other sound like a very civilized scene, all around?! Those are real. Being practical.

Susie Show was a talk one to one, that entire situation is a practice at our Taiwan here I seen that. I don't know if that is the American show. She is the white women. But I don't do that.

You can keep watching TV and never go to the church, because you probably have a reason to go and abuse God no matter what. 

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