


Care about this Iron man as if that is the only case with me every air inside to breath on it ...you wonder where is your own very conscious really. You all becoming your own independent spirits, with or without the SA, one day what that really means...the Avenger !

Inside your own very life, you will have the blank relax one person space time to look out the windows, and you wonder this one guy means to you the most. Really. If you just mind /doing your own life goal to really just forget why they were not, or you were never on their mind to begin, its best to take the heart got hurt and really really really forget that one person in your life. Most of these guys will not do on purpose, because they can tell you got hurt. And your character is cling to every issue they to solve, or you yourself using the death be apart on the Love or the Romance, its endless tears to spell its "no exit back-end road", not even with your parents soon or they their own.

Hollywood and Youtuber

What Mark? Shut up, birds. The Google logo its blacken the day if were not the night. You are what? Your last name is not the click per time, my money disappear superstitious? What? I cannot hear all that wonderous idea, anything with the money. What? Is this about your facebook?
What ?~~~

oh ~ you mean 26 (Haille M) going to be 37 (since 2014 Lauren S ), there is a 27 soon, what was it...the Lake House (Hailey).

The birds are small tiny sound says something (the wild bird outside my balcony), then YES ( a very big giant audible sound).
oh ~~~ not to you Mark handsome?

You and Shane which one is heavier on those sympoton? ...you just lost a huge amount of the weight, you breath inhale more at those green tree, mountain, river, don't open your mouth. The birds tend to very harden taken back that. Always use your nose including if you want to press one side nostil or another side. (deep and slow breathing in), and relax consciously your behind, your back, straight up, including your back, we women has this pelvic touch behind. Those can be the fat, that area, as if you breath all the way down there, so you naturally straight up your entire skeleton.
I use both nostile. Keep splendid those air. I live in the City, these air aren't the cleanest. (The birds quack, use 2 nostile)

You know why inside the painting means a painting? Because Thor says they have no money. If you all just pretend yourself a painting or a role play like an American culture. Stay away from any Asian, that is a funny position, side by "all the story with a best friend", right next by, or side by side human face if you define them.....
I am from here, the most shy personality will be their police face never be on the TV cover art like that Wallace or his brother. The popular Asian guy will never be yours, and most oversea them, are not a thing inside the Asia itself. I will tell you that. We will tell you that. You best go to the white guys every time in any spare moment of those saying if 26 that time I mean the Oat (Da Vinci Sacred Textbook), or that is Knock Knock Thriller KR has any testimony how people dead like from the Sweet Nov 3 cubes in that Scared Text 500 years ago too. His no name manager die in 101 highway Hollywood, and we here is everyone knows 101 building, with the graveyard of 10 on the tops 5th floor. What a saying, neh?

A lot of the personality in the guys themselves are shy, not those in front of you with the criminal nature all around, near by. There are some other more shy, if you imagine yourself to every money making transaction its a literally a sound, you will get frighten every time it happens. You know why? Because that is real. A real saving, or real cashing in your bank account. And that time you will start to wonder about your own parents in every circle of life - that time.

No, I didn't mean those more shy guys inside the SA, in general overall all not exclusive to any one of them in SA. Some people spent a lot more money, or their methods is more aggressive, one of those. You probably meant, how you "finance" your own very life. Those movie: Home made by you, never that Tamang or Keanu Asian tall guy, you saying how they grow tall, and with 3 white girls. Badly affected to any women or the girl's population just me hear about it myself.

Inside the White Race (caucasion) side world, you report to your any white guys circle its better, when you have that look. When I grew up....right, that is different. I was young like teen's age then 17 or 19 years old. I try to lie to a government to pretend where I come from? That is not a nice thing to do, but one day...those things kinda of fade away, i stay with one old white guy, Italian. I have no friends those kinds life. Now this UB white girls imagine their where old guy "the commander" even, oh dear...from 5 Lake if.
You see....if I tell these local Asian Metropolitan police Asian guy, its they are right from here. Their popularity idea or knowing, its within that circle. 

They all have the aviation friends, best friend, groupy friends, sitting it down the whole table groups friends, if you are not in the cooking mode. Like the Iron Man or the Avenger End Game period of waiting time. We aging on Earth...right. Then again, it has to go through the classify, you can just talk to the local US army on their best friends, the aviation friend, the aviation best friends, the aviation groupy friend, the aviation best friend groups friends everyone sit down on the long table.
Whom is cooking?
Not soupy friends.

His altitude goes lower down. If that is him one ship, or all of the ship. Safer. Earth is situate a lot furthur than the Central or the milkyway even. It does its own job to all these incoming object, meaning straight down to the Earth, every incoming objects has a speed, and if you understood how the artificial satellite collide those bad incident happened in the space. Their speed its too fast even inside our own orbits. The external those objects, they give you a false sense they have no speed, and in the sparkly bright light like the sun light. That is not true. No, they have a speed incoming, or trajectory just happened to go near the Earth, the outside, or near by. If the gravity didn't trap them fast going straight it down, they have the whole ship by what numbers outside, passing by them? The orbits means staying the same "orbit.", hoovering staying that circle or circulating mode.

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