
How do you know things are cursed?

Right....those....science museum?

Let's say you are all growing up the same ag girls and these you care so much "boys" kinda of like Seth or Dean type or Justin. Inside their eyes they will tell you something, and in life, they run about that life without their parents, it could be a phone call, it could be an outside a job, it could be they shift their eyes only be there for 2 second, and they tell you, "Sorry guys, I have to leave today. I got someone else to talk about this." - it may not be a lie, but this is what you cared the most inside the entire walking scene of the people-to-people, inside this IQ, of the wave band, maybe you don't use those word, because the real scene of the people its exactly you in person seeing them too. They wabble, they running, they so in a hurry. There are the people, let's say don't know the life has a direction.

Sit down on one of those SA couch, let's say a lot of those resting place.

You could just stare at the ceiling, you probably meant you have no idea or a glue what is the next thing you can do. You did everything possible inside that very school, the university. Me. Whatever that research, or finding things inside the campus, there is not one thing....to look like the

Worthy of the life existence they had any quality inside their entire being. 

There is nothing offered at all in the human life,, they had anything in the real substance.

In the movie of BTX, or some others, including the Lake house

The MD told him a string of word, "What is not real". Some people you looking at this Youtuber the girls, mostly I saw were the girls, they have the hidden hospital records, what you gonna do, you say they are the Asian, they lied? You mean this 8 billion household, everyone just privacy protected inside that unit, while I say.

"You were healthy, you were given a chance in American as you going through this Life review upon you dead, you want to tell me this is not the exactly the literal word I say in front to the entire public domain, every word typing it down, on my wound bloody hands full of it."

Between this "Should, or Shouldn't" - Its a song.

"People like the rural poor poverty line below with the debts, that is everything to you to another land, a full song of it."

"You don't have a worth in life, you agree that on the paper, you agree that with the life, and you on purpose to becoming like that in front of the guys as the victim. Either they always know or they always believe, there is no such life quality inside of you, you might as well to kill another human being for saying being sent to jail, let that you thought the justice to be done, other than the choice of? your free will."

In the most context of this movie, its to wish the humanity to get up their words, or the presentation including the inside internal "becoming", none of that are FOREVER will be your evolution, not in the words, not in the attitude, and forever NEVER be at Reptilian. Some of the American senior human would have told you what that is inside the classified if all of that are the classified leaking information. You might have a security breach, or you mean they are all the inept human starting 20 years ago....with the court room. Not the first thing someone found out, so you accuse them - the movie entire industry if they still exist all along, you meant it, the government didn't go in to tie up the entire security even worse right on the 2014 on. 

You intend to tell me the American Medical Board or the Law Board didn't found out the Kenshin Himura had a 10 years down the road, or this 2012, or 2021 were not the Time of Return, f or saying if they got enough brain to secure some of the basic thing, WITH me telling me the per literal word, there is nothing personal.


I won't be just make that judgement so I blank out, I didn't say it 10 years ago. I didn't tell a lot of things for every degree of the internal things unless being seen a trace of WHAT Notebook, you cannot say that on the Google + 

So you have the Lotto them.

This is ridiculous, why someone would be that foolish to stay on the public domain to blog on?

When 2015 comes, that is perfect.....that book cannot be said ! What you gonna do, you make me? 

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