
I am melting into this outside system = meaning outside this Earth all busy traffic or this Sunday glory to be my respect and reverence.church outfit that.

Even Thor has that too. 

.... they never met Zawanna final destination leads me to = the Central Survilliance, not the highest, but its a Central survillance. I don't really know whom that women is, or that President Snow is. But there is a more a lot more collaboration of the Seated Central by per row, stacking it up like endless...Up. Or they don't show anymore.

I don't really know if its one person.....imagination me, I keep saying that, did I? Every leadership such as me, Kail, or Ancient Chasez, or one thing Fatima to be the slavery labor work force sunshine has this younger rulership. 

The height, the face appearance (the thing you all just vow never changed, this Time? AT THIS TIME?), the family background, the later your own personal effort with or without the family background where you arrive your career.

One of that career has a governmental idea, that term its a lot a lot a lot more than this American the federal or the state worker, or the CIA or FBI. Its a Star, Galaxy some words, Its mix between the IQ to handle the police, or some of this Novel Comic book police drawing, not those white, but normal color dim light - that movie given you that, dimmer light. Quiet. Everything is quiet. 

That women or that old man might have some issue. Right. 

But they will have a point not to disturb their system, or finding the anomaly. The Central position its a lot more their character issues. They listen, they only extract the things they need. There is a difference. Both that BTX women, no, not looking curly like that tie up. Not that old man in the chair. 

Its the collaboration of the Star or Galaxy System above. Per row of people stacking it up behind, endless I cannot tell what that really is. Per row mean, there is a space between them. Similar to those drawing in Riley, that is a book publishing and sunshine, tooooo bright, I cannot open my eyes.

The Central. That Zawanna Central at is the dim dimmer light.

These entire world I am melting into, its completely the surveillance of all system to someone like you, whom don't have a....name like me. That is a very very very rare situation you saying a Bible sustain for 2000 years outdated, joked by Greys. These Central outside they know the ET race, a lot of this very normal family, or spiritual evolvement will tell you, none of you exist in any place inside your brain What God is, or the character or the very simple math skills on debts. You rather spent that weekend, for crying that whistle blowers jobs too hard, its one of that patriarch, its brave, but not calculative or smart enough. You intend to keep that IQ somewhat clear, but you don't be that clear enough really. When that


Central ~~~~~~~!!!!

The Star or the Galaxy they listen, they use that women or the old man when they feel like, you have no character or no personality. If you got anything they listen. Its a completely democracy they understand that. But its a high tech police surveillance networks, your character to be that Sailor Moon, it will never be that mini-skirts meant true, per degree your life, isn't it? So that penis enter the muscle, you feeling it, its exciting? 

You went to the court to debate exactly what you are told. By now? You are still arguing, not quiet it down your voice to when this court lasting on that Earthly year, I guess, that waste the human efforts and the money, you are nothing but that piece of the mini-skirt, touche-and-feel material? Swimming or swing swing swing? 

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