
I am not sure that was right....really.

You switch the partner?  That kind of the green only....Nick makes, you can ask him. That guy owns the house. No, not me. Never? NEVER. That is the second house, you check though. Because the first house, I was in my own UB here, I have the Boku from Mike Adam. But...I only drink that in my own home. I never touch his kitchen anything his own....collection. I don't like any of that stuffs, you can see Eben Pagan has those ocean house the same.

I am a chemist.

Tony has the cat, on the second house south. That Bible place says. Its a grey, not a black. At the door step salute, not the bathroom hiding. We brought the bread, never those drinks. 

No, everything in the trash can. Nothing in the toilet. I am the chemist. Not those tissue paper. I think he shaved. I don't shave. So he has at his sink, but...I never really know what he does at his mirror for saying I never done it. He uses a creme, a brush, in a green holder, to swirl and put on the face, or he wash his face first, and put the creme at the jaw mouth all around, there is a plastic that thing, to do this one cheek side, another cheek. But the girl never need to do that. Its...everyday I think. He flushes that in the sink.

I never hand touch that stuff, if you just ask me. I don't really know....the exactly that. I seen he doing that, no, not everyday seeing that. By memory I roughly know what that is.  Any of this stuffs probably has no fingerprint, because...he leaves that on his built shelf. All the stuffs are his. He probably has a bag or a pouch, smaller bag. I never touch it. No. That shelf is from the mirror to the windows. Yeah, the full wall, but not wide. I never...use the bathroom like that? The cabin below, the toilet paper and his stuffs. There is nothing but his stuffs everywhere. Its his house. That is a toilet flushing...not my make-up anything in it.

Its in my room.

The air that bothers me.

Dr. Christopher in the label at the bottle (Amazon) I think. his entire ear (ear skin long strings of the muscles strings falls off) He told me to drop those tincture on that side. I never seen it. But just the moment i done that, that thing is in my hand, I got shock ! I show him. He didn't tell me that is the thing, he just say use the droplet on his ear. I never hear he asked me to do that? There is no light that day. No. It just the windows light.

It should be the liquid, tincture, the bone and tissues that formula. 

The long earing, have you seen? Thicker, its a piece of skin muscle.

On the right side of his ear.

The paste thing?

... There is no paste thing inside the home. I know that is homeopathy, you mean the really really realy homey that kind. Very home idea of those traditional red hair women those?

Makes like a paint?

Sorry, this drinks, no...this looks like Banana thicken to me.

Its orange bright yellow (honey...what home depot paint. He got a girl in the bakery "love you" on the stair to paint that in my wall). He digs that washer giant hole, to stuff a washer, and my room its no more wall, or no more design...its....a piece of what thing he input in it later on. No, I pick that. 

He has the gout, its a red big cloth/plastic carried basin, I fill up the water, and I dump the baking soda. Just...dump, that amount. For his foot. Its the same walking from the end of that or the kitchen I do that. 

Its the solid dissolve in the warm water.

Tea Leaf that is from Buffalo, makes the tea. He drinks that tea, I don't. Sleeping problem cannot do that.

The instant noodle cup its he hides from the top of the kitchen cabin all the way Top. He eats that. He asked me if I want one? Usually....I never think that stuffs. Its a big bowl. 

The wax creme also the Bones & Tissue formula, but that is from Amazon, its all the form products, the tincture or the entire thick round basin this plastic container, its the wax technology they form that texture. No, I never do that. Its the already formed products. For his knee.

He follows those Church pyramid scheme raw food sells products. Those are also the technology that forms that - the green powder, I don't know the exact name, similar to Boku.

He believe those stuffs, I don't.

No, I don't drink that. I never ask, never look, never open. Don't care about that stuffs.

oh ` The Judi or Jodi from the blueberry gun in Zootopia. That, you can look. The fox and the rabbit police. The one that lies to Tim Cook, that....I know of. The story I say Tim Cook regime, she happens to move to our location too. The same latitude. 

She publish or was going to publish the raw food recipe books. All her formula, if you like that. 

No, not me. 

There is a lot of things, not me. I am the synthetical human. I need to wash my hair...AGAIN.

The capsule forms. The same formula has a bottle that contains those capsule forms.
You open the capsules dump the herbs out. Its the exactly the same formula if you order and blend that yourself, mix the water, and paste it on the knee.

The same thing.

Take internal? I open my mouth and take that. Right, I don't swallow the capsule, I open that. That is my stomach, not digesting the capsule, melt it inside my stomach? Those redundant things I don't do.

The safety tank, you should find the alcohol trace in there. Because every New Age bottle this supplemental all has to contain the alcohol in it. The trace amount, similar to the soy sauce. in a different label bottle only.

The chem lab, like OPP academia next by? That is the filtration lab examination about the filtration system to the cottage home. He install those filtration through the hardware store. He bought them, and he puts in the shower or the sink. All these...there is nothing the paste format. Not the green paste format.

Dr. Christpher John R? From Canada, right, the same country. How I remember this.

The same formula name Tissue and Bones (or the Bones and Tissues)

The tincture bottle (both the external and internal application) 

The wax form plastic a little bitter jar, plastic. (only the external application

The capsule (both the external and the internal application)

You will say almost the paste solidify on your skin? That will be the gun shot. Its the cayenne paper, you dump on it. You don't need to form a paste or you can. To stop bleeding.

In Marley's home (not Canada), I use that which green paste on my faces, 2 side cheek and took a photo I think. In Marley's home, I use the castor oil, very very very sticky thing on my hair, but there is a way how to process that. I have to stay flat inside the basin tubes. The hair inside the tube water? 

A little bit wavey....2 weeks no need to ever wash the hair. Not itchy. 

Same Dr. Christopher, except there is no method in it. You figure it out? 

You can have Cayce Edgar the Epson salt in the bathing, soaking the body method. 

The solid form. Its in a bag says the Epson salt.  The chemical process the cruel original form Epson salt. Everything looks nothing but chemical.

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