
In school, that is a lot more safer options trying to learn any leadership not after you graduate, no.

When people coming out of your same classroom, you have a lot more support like the same age, the same idea, the same paper thin, which the teacher you all talk behind to get things right. That time, you learn everything you need inside the school. Not vola outside every yard measurement trying to believe, you can breath your lung out of it. Every human on this planet its very out of the breath. There is no spirituality in it. I keep saying that.

Inside the military, they drunk on the coastline, they contempt their officer. Very few degree have those yearly training like Taiwan we have the military draft too. The physical. Irene's brother used to be in 2010. He was a lot fit too. They gonna die. 

What you keep your 4 limbs under some stress, and some taller guys also wish to tempt those heavier jobs, or everyone told them too, they will tell you some reality of those jobs, its at your 4 limbs. You didn't hear one word I say. And to that being train to balance your space and time including your brain chemistry, its inside the military a lot more supports all that, as long as you make it on the money monitization or one of them. They probably will tell you, its every single one of them, make it !  Use your brain IQ. Use that very clear correct methods not to be sent to jail methods. They will tell you that is their standard.

You don't have a personal character, not really. Not the look, not the style, not the IQ, I keep saying the IQ is at zero, how many times I saying that?

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