
“Is that a drill?” A police talking in person

Black guy fat says, “No, it’s real”.

Inside has a shadow taller, way taller guy looks like Chasez ancient ?

They understand that language oh in English, so the crime people have to be literate, imagine those UB!


+sprinkle all around American border line.

They move that clusters from Europe probably the southern isle to z America. He had only 5000

Some of 90 households around this sea country.

That square looking has a scroll



His name probably is not Eric !!

‘Recruit is hard, you know. This new generation needs autism and impatience, imagine you would have recruit someone like me!! Kind”

He is handsome exotic traveler, he is the shishio, with the hair and ancient Chinese those art outfit !!

He is the tall Annca, joanna short hair Asian guy, young. Got slap on the left cheek, it’s a right hand fat ugly women short, this eye sight, so short and ugly. He is the scamming group  like my mother lawsuit this kind?

I don’t even need to touch a paper I am telling you with this….

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