
Landing thousands - west coastline

These few days, ready ?!

Fire !

(Ramese with the head banner, right hand up)

Like Karen home mr mrs smith, the real bomb, no one can tell anyway !! 滿目瘡痍

The family unit per residential !! How can anyone don’t kneel? At the airport anyway ?

He is the leadership, bring in 1000 suicide gun. He realizes …

He is at the left window eye glasses  similar 2 arm, taller head at the windows looking +eye glasses. 

He will cry loud enough, you cannot possibly not knowing kneel, and Psycho cry !! His hair on the head a bit longer not trim.

Before that road block, square looking hat, short girl.

Enter back with a man eye glass black or Mexican

“He probably drank sometime 2 hrs only, it’s a long flight )

Have another device someone not found trace (not in the middle of the ocean)

White dog

“Hi doggy”

The cartoon dog Target, collar brown. Eye, the Target eye.

This kind of instrument, no computer Pc?

“Bark”, there is the computer, laptop.

Bark. Right ….

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