
Is this about Shane inside that Westlife + Boyzone if that is Ireland (Far Far away....not American SA)

I think its only one SA, really. And one of them, or some of them are really married and born the kids inside, so I Anna gonna cook, and they with the girls + the kids will eat my food, in front of me with Shane or me next by Nicky, its Shane's which wife or gf cooked, one of those competition, compete and compare similar to the Harry Potter Round table or the Princess Diary Long table.

I heard of something about that, its they gonna do it? I have no idea what it means. Or unless they know exactly what that is .....you want to tell me 1) Dress up, 2) make-up 3) Hair-up 4) Show up with a better shape its a boyfriend One Life Time Forever with Keanu Reeves, one of those?  He realized we dumped each other I guess. Its one photo art.  So this is about my video, its about the boy? Sorry, the man now, 10 years pass.....what happened in this 10 years? 


I only use the bay leaf, not the rest of the stuffs

The beef + the bay leaf + tomato sauce (this supposes to be better or here is the paste) + salt.

Its a very dense taste when you saying a heavier taste. The orange juice might be lighter that. You mean it - its at the taste?! Or the food amount? I thought it something you feel good at your tongue.

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