
It means up to a certain point ...you change your life course, so the rest of that doesn't have a meaning.

And I don't have to keep bleeding my hands, neither.

Okay, maybe we can only go to the hotel, nothing else, I don't know. Things don't get there you don't go and imagine things and figure it out. Its not that complicated, I told you I used to be doing nothing but that.  You cannot think anything other than your bigger brain, such as your own lawsuit, or your own claim or your extra-curriculum, or you have some of this other than Dr. T, or other professor hidden, stuffs....going on. So you talking to them you cannot breath.

My mother is here, so she piles up the fridge I have the food inside the fridge. 

I used to do that for both me and ex bf nick, not NICKY. That is 2 people's life, every single day, you doing that?!  I never think I gonna need that life again, so I tell what you can imagine to do? Other than seeing me inside the library only? 

You want to get the guy, that is not what you talk about, you mean you outting? I think that might be expensive, Nicky has no money ~~~

We might stay there long, if you learn how to do that, you can save a lot of the food expense, and you eat perfect there, because you process indoor. The guy will know if you make up that kind of the jobs, not to stress over everyone !! If that is too stressful, don't do that ! 

You mean literally cut, peel, wash a fruits like the TV animation?

Or begging bowl of the hot water, you can get those portable small water boiler, the hot water without that coffee machine. Its 2 people's room. Its everything I need inside. You can have the rice up, the noodle cup, the instant noodle, anything with the hot water soaking !!!

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