
No, Shane he is a guy.

The reason why if you are a girl, you like any guy, not just him. He gets up running around, driving around talking to people, socializing, analyzing a situation and put forth a certain thing in life. Because he is happy to do.

You... or you all just want to use what excuse to go and control which another 1 or 2 guys other than him Shane guy, I guess. He is being happy on his own, or his entire happy world, other than my world. That is Ireland, here is Taiwan.  I am so stupid, I cannot understand what the truth behind all this saying. When a success guy like Shane, and is a leadership, you can check all his 99 those video on to 2004. He has a way how he does things, but in his real life, he doesn't go to his parents for this success life, how he manages his own finance. You all didn't really get independent from your parents yet. I am hanging with my mother? That per transection of the success, its with a real money and a real substance behind, including the social life what it takes to understand a lot of the aspect including in that whole Europe. It can be anything other than this Asian side. He is a guy, I am a girl. I keep saying that.

He has to be responsible for his own finance, so are the rest of the 4 other guys inside their own very life with their own agent. Those things are a reality inside each other's life. Meaning? I don't want to talk about this anymore.


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