
On another hand of some child star begins a confident built up

The appearance, the money, or if they have some parenting, and if they were those boys to becoming the teens pop idol included, a lot of the factors, they might be blind at the stage, not the front first row in the darkness to the very last row, I used to say...

What did I say?

Westlife  - The World of Our Own


Ancient Chinese


Their temperament always be jumping around. Explain

To me....what jumping around means? Boys mean? 

"Its a role play anyway." Say it ! 

雞同鴨講,  Chicken agree, the ducking spoke

Meaning 4 different legs, clap 1 mins.

Remember me, I say if one day I am that the law. I meant it, per facial muscle dare to move, I mean it every word I say, isn't it?

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