
Sometimes you keep saying how much you motivated to lose weight.

The guys also gain a lot of the weight, they put stuffs inside their mouth has no karma effect like the girls' monthly period? They got nothing to do in life or too stressful, they keep putting this cheese idea of things inside their mouth, or the milk, or the coffee.

Each of this item also costs the money not just the gym membership?

I didn't go running in the how many years those detox. Just keep walking, so I got nothing else to teach you, my 4 limbs are thin, and smaller skeleton, I need to preserve my keyboard or my hands, so I cannot go and beat up those sand bag like the boxing? You girls have a lot of those rage things, or things inside your eyes hate or revenge, or something why....this or that onto somebody. You can just leave that entire circumstance. Hurting people are always ilegal. Oh ~something its inside your brain. You cannot breath your mind inside your thinking trying to do what? 

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