
Tana or Tanya from KY or Karen...they have a certain physical attribute, as long as not opening up that mouth, the guys get near, but...

Not limited to them, or it is like that, the girls if command something, like verbally telling you something, they are bossing you to finish eating that bowl of the food she cooked or she burn the cake, or she meant the digestion is giggling the guy always holding the girl's waist behind. And day after day, the year after year, I don't know if it will ever get that far, something...about their word or believe or saying, they literally....literally, I mean all the girls liberal like Hailey those, like their parents let them grown up just talk anything out of their mouth,

She or they she literally tell some guys "The Truth should prevail ! "

It could be their tie, their shoe, their jacket, their black tie, their car, their leather seat, or something if someone purchase them the guys like it, they will tell them ....ABCDEFG

The money the guys spent cannot be their own very reason if its not that much money, or it is like that looking money, the girls will ...get one of those strange mood, of that one day or few other day doing a very very bad mood swing right at the guy, like a psycho.

Tina Jojo is so so so so good doing all that. REALLY, its the psychology, sweet one day, and while everyone got restrain. 

You as a girl can say,

"What? I don't know. No, I didn't see it."

"You like it? ... I seen it. Now I see it."

"I thought... did you say you always prefer...."

Those girls they have some very very dense hate inside their eyes. I don't know if there is the records how the girls assault others, they thought normal, or something so liberal when they grew up, and everyone let them moding that kind of the saying. Very bad.

I see now.

Hailey she is like that Black hair Movie: You've Got Mail ( 1998 )

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