
The medicine

The food that we consume mostly are not the labors of our fruits, or the yard tree that being planned or nurture to some of the primitive energy sources idea as long as the Planet evolve, that God given light in the form of the Sun, and the Water. How the herbalist today has acquaintant the beginning of the combination in their usage such as some of the publication has talked about. Some have an interest to where this herbs usage were input to the daily fitness or the act out spirituality sought out, and nonetheless the real Corporation Interest of the modern fast speedy train including the high speed track built upon this infrastructure or for some of the upper sphere possible mentality, the retreat on the Zen spirituality was only occasionally escape from the inner quest but to movie inspires the writing or the journalism to some toddler spirits such as me looking photo for tidy up the family tradition, through writing a publication or the publisher of the magazine, that higher elites of all intellects, the competitive rate or the competitive reader's digest to every public audience, they will send out their positive feedback or the argumentative thought how the perfect world ought to be running and some of those are the experience higher professor or some big population of the targeting audience, the publisher will receive all this reader's mind set and they all signature with their own career for all that are normal, and the daily conversation through those mails, or the fan mails are possible. The world of the fresh air and the future possibility its reachable to that universal exchange of the good and commodity were nothing at the cost of all barren land of the lower sphere, the low education in squandle a few penny to sound like an intellect, what is a competitive reader digest of that circulation number and feedback, even the far away Star or Galaxy to be one of those mail digest, not just the reader's digest. How amazing all those high volume of the traffic, never stop at my ear. 

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