
The Taiwan normal guy, you learn so hard Chinese for this, remember?

They are so different from the mainland Chinese or Vietsnese? The authority guy …really? I hardly know that your height was sandle those cave inside yellow wood light, he loves the art creation such as yours? Very very Japanese Zen, the carpet thin, and you raise how high up your head for the dwarf legs like you, every pant you tell the whole universe starting Paris is every outfit customized …to the female jailed inmate ….

Everything well with you to pretend a TV like 滴妹? or this is the jail female inmate all together the seniority?

If you try to please me than the whole of them, you might get further in any Eon or Kalpa comes according to this one Bible? Or Keanu sings Time After Time means? How so someone knew your a past?  They feeling it your past ? 

With OU, one you avoids all….like me? Not avoiding Shane. You avoiding me as your entire OU keep waiting per Eon or Kalpa so willing so.  It’s not obligate, it’s democracy world 

9 prostrate 10 knod your head down on TV.

You did India tradition it’s every 3 foot all the way from Taipei to New Land you moved !! Hot hot hot, my mother cannot bear it. 

You all can buddy eternity with it. The memory will fade and gone in every reborn, remember the Sailor moon says, the police will tell you, it’s your entire karma ought to be !!!

Remember Buddha giant statues is break head down with you facing both him and me …on the public television !! You remember you dare of this one lifetime, every one last you remember all Eon Kapla Akashi records means !!

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