
This one police Taiwan guy you like?

One him with the eye glasses?

Right, from today on, you speak no words other than everything he hands you. You can only talk to him, every TV open conversation you blush every single human on the television with your bad attitude. No assistant, not dog, not inside message.

Him or anything he ask you to do. 


No chat in any retreat statues in any open air, bow your head with your short easy walking sneaker. Not guard, no one talking. Bow and your pawn close and your head all the way to your jail

Like that Vicky Quan Yin messaager did. 

You wait at him….

There is one old guy master outside - he or behind him deals with it. At last, that’s the last gift they Taiwan 🇹🇼 can give you upon that future your karma inflames you - unknown. 

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