
Want to talk again? 194


I think I comprehend what you want to do now. You mean you starting at this 10,000 US dollars, and you want to do this short or the long range of the stock options or the mutual funds? Sometimes that is one side, you have thinking about partner with your friends to invest in the real estate?

Here in Taiwan?

(I cannot untie myself on every day, I give up already going to Ireland seriously)

okay, I think I understand what you want to do, you have a small capital. Most of those UB have zero money, so you have at least 10,000 US dollar, that is not a lot in Taiwan, you saying any real estate, you probably meant the Scott Trade. In America, their law its very different than in Taiwan. Those have the risk things you do in that land. Every time in your life, you don't gamble your money away, that will sound like a correct thing to do.

In Taiwan, those local they have no other choice to turn. But here there are some European very steady English teacher, I used to go to a class in my 5th grade and 6th grade. Yeah, in English. very handsome European guy I think. Doesn't look like one tiny trace like American. So, assuming you gonna land anywhere you like, beside here, you gonna find any kind of the European trespassing in each of this Asian countries domain. Some of them its where you say you social at? You have this Thursday night or Friday night. I think a lot of them staring at the American local land on their CNN at mid-night. 



Every time I look at this, I look at those.....๐Ÿข๐Ÿข๐Ÿข๐Ÿข๐Ÿข๐Ÿข๐Ÿ๐Ÿฆ–๐ŸฆŽ,

I look at them because when they grow up to some stage in life, they have to learn it. Meaning they seriously write it down on their squatting where there is no table to get their notepad right. Meaning be courtesy in your own studying. Talking to any of you, its waste of my life, I feel really.

When you coming here, you will feel the first time in your life its very cold. Meaning even there is a group of guys or girls mix in, you are very harsh to the guys, or whichever situation got...collaboration feeling like a group, but the assignment its individually.

You have to understand in life, sometimes. Sometimes you are alone. The best gift God given you, its not to hurt you. Its a very cold Capitalism under this world, American may not make them the easiest or they found out long time ago even. Outside in those sunshine worlds, also have a lot of the social engagement world, happy time or the social time.

Let's say this book guys are not real, so I enter there like Tim Cook too. But we remain unknown, remember I say to you one scenario, you seeing this China TV very sleek apartment? "The Shopping Freak"? That TV entire the office built or the apartment someone picks you up?

All right, the high tech worlds has their own transportation high tech okay, its expensive, but let's say.....we continue this me one person living there because its a freedom.

1) One person called the publisher of the printing shop

2) IT department of this advertising.

3) Me.

In this entire population of the whole world, you never seen one human other than this office. Inside that one room 1) and 2), you seeing the office very benevolent people. Because you are iconic, because you are famous, because you have this talent or continue to that market field, including on Earth. Similar to this "A Day in Life". You never attempt this political upheaval, you just quiet in your life because you are a girl.

That capitalism, just mean you afford yourself some jobs, you continue living and to that office of people, you occasionally when your "Stationary" table finish those draft, you will be publishing, and everyone its highly literate, things gone smooth, just one meeting in that office.

That's is. That is when you saying you entering a metropolitan or the Capital in a different sunshine world.

But here on Earth, you make it with some groups efforts, and you still calling the oversea number to your parents, you have your facebook, you have this past of you cared to look at this facebook. You really think I care one thing on my facebook? Its almost gone, just when I care less of that thing anymore? But 3 office (2 of them, 1 is mine work station)

You understand the reality, "When God Given you something, its never there try to hurt you?"

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