
Washing, peeling, boiling the potato....you can do all that the same time making the juices too.

You boiling ahead of time those potato, you can freeze anything you hand made. Like the spring rolls or the gluten. You defroze them by leaving them on the table per morning? I done those things. Same its the dumpling !!! Nick eat those hand made pasta, I don't. I am not sure he likes it or he just wants to do it. Yeah, but that is not hard. The pasta machine.

The Salad container like in the War-mart

You still washing them in the centrifuge those food processor, to get rid of the water. The salt ! and you keep rinse them, your both hands doing nothing but shaken them inside outside. Yeah, standing make your foot tired. The bread crumb, Nicky eats the white bread. Nick doesn't....so those salad is plain.

Nicky will eat the boiled egg or the strips those chicken, the chicken salad in the outside container, you can make it home. Let's say before the lunch, something light. When I went to Waterloo, they have this rehearsal.....some people home has the studio to go there rehearsal all day. You can just serve the tea. The food, the small tiny things here or there. Even just leaving there will look pretty. The Tea, the Drinks, the kids beverage, you come back taken the tray away, running back and forth. I think I look like those maid very often ....

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