
What is your 10 years after (194) ?

You will be inside the Washington D.C when your term comes, you have to be over there.....not me just waiting at Westlife? 

Count the math, or how many times can I count that?

Describe, describe in details

Or anything that I speaking of the BTX, if it present to me, and being asking all these photo, whom are my relative all that from which indicate their name, what they look like, what their relation to my bother parents side?

You know why you go to DC? I had a Bio side I say, or the chemistry, math, including physics. I remember that or I can repeat that?  That is a real job? The climate change probably is not a textbook, it was in the geography the middle school. I just translate everything from the Chinese words to English.

I may not require to cook anymore on my hands issue....but I eat those light, organic, or a lot more refresh, for my own health !!! I guess I can just live on those greasy food, but I usually doing that without when some other times? 

Westlife or Backstreet Boy, or NSYNC or 98 Degree, I don't know whom is that SA

They have their entire happy world to go to, we have a different groups going in different occasion?  Your 10 years next, they gonna be VERY old I guess ....

Do I buy the French ACE bread? ...YES.

They got hard? The soup, any kind of the instant soup, rice or the noodles its very very plain, if you seeing anything inside there extra, its totally a different feel, because I gonna stay longer if required, I will get those things done myself. 

You can get a crème cheese container, and some cheese? That instant noodles are not plain, its a full meal you cutting a few cucumber or avocado included. I eat the raw cucumber too, to clean my stomach every once a while. 

The cucumber and tomato can be in the exposed air just like inside the supermarket

You add some cheese on the top or oregano, + some pink salt itself? That is a salad. I do eat things very small, you are hungry all the time, right ....but that is my day-to-day I can live on some meal, including to lose weight. 

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