
When you are a dwarf nun, lose your parents, and doing this 40 years TV jail inmate, go to your room meditate, I wonder how the police them or whom were exactly your parenting on the top....

The entire Taiwan police force, young to Old, from your Age or the Class on since the trademark logo 1986. This parents because they exist, they didn't mean to treat you unwell, you know what that means?  They didn't put YOU on the street, that is what it means. You will ONE life time has the toilet and food or the small tiny ROOF anywhere you seeing the human be maid to YOU.

That is NOT the reality in this entire world.  Not those police they themselves, they have to work their entire life time to have that pension in the end, you mean....you always have the 3 meals, the palace life in jailing records here in Taiwan. This entire sphere of the coldness YOU DO NOT FEEL it, just like the First life. There is a LOT of thing just like the first life.

I am the one telling everyone beside Reptilian ET + Greys ET, you have the human System, behind + Anan's one past. DON'T tell me what lonely means or that facial skin you mean you don't use your one full life to prepare for that ...its the human affection they ending up on the street was by my name....really. 

I NEVER lose the 10 human faces the 10 human evolution, is that what you mean?

This Inelia Benz, has nothing you have, Vietanese little nun !!! If your Indian 500 years Master insist that, YOU make a point TO me, or TO him.

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