
Where are the mud pot?

When we got off the train still on the platform.

Look, the whole platform behind, right in front of your eyes, just not the dead skull people's head in it. 

1000 if not 100.


A life in London


Do I ever have a mood?

You mean one of those you speak in English, by listening the moment, one of those, I probably shouldn't be doing that in the court room. I put my hair down. You mean my voice memo at home. I know....well, if I live alone, no one will ever bother me to be true to myself.

Its not I don't have a mood, I forget! Too many things. The birds call, the sky is, or Nicky on the phone, or I should call Shane....one of those or Birds calling Shane or Ronan or Vartan. I don't require to talk to them, but the birds have to talk? I talk in Chinese.

You know living in the colder climate, I have those outlet big jacket? 

Not these nice design clothing, my own woredrobe, or the shoes collection. I don't require to wear a heel at all? Or the food, or the star bucks. In London the consumer index? 

Annually you have Gross or Net. Its different whatever this number meant, to some people. But then annual the governmental agency will publish some of this reference including the per household statistic (survey) like they coming to knock at your door, asking you to fill up this questionnaires - the survey. Right, the reference desk library those. You cannot borrow it out, I guess.

I probably not the student mode anymore, even I was in the student time, did I say I go to Tops, or Wegman's? Not the burger's place? 

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