
Yesterday I was saying your objective goal and what is that? 194 countries idea....

Of course I know what you wish to do. A lot of people doing that in the real life terms, we are just not on the same subjects line. Not the same invention, not the same material science, not even the music sounds anything the same.

You want to imagine a job, I even help you. I told you step by step. You don't think someone would be that selfless, meaning = Make It.

They have a load of the guys including my past UB or the UK, any of them. The guys know whom they are stable, there are plenty of them can open their mouth when they ask me. 

But when you yourself becoming like SMCH this Diva CNN becoming with the fat lady, not the Harry Potter the dornman, or the door man....

Did I say she is about to die, continue those weight every step the way. They intrude that space to sound a lot more Diva. Its exactly the same when you going to Washington D.C the guest house the outskirt. Not you, the UB them.

Everyone is all doing this the same thing. Tell me one good reason why?

The money.

That is not one thing I Anna ever did, and like you all say, your parents given you the money and all things in your life. Right?

Some people in the real life, when things get to where I believe that how I set up myself this far, its 10 years pass.  I saying this to a several people probably including the front face here. I used that nick as an example, "Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up....I am doing this, get out of my sight."

10 years pass, he didn't see one thing extraordinary at all. Not one thing. Not my brother, not him. Its nothing major happen the bad idea, but nothing happened at all. 

Inside your life, you have a lot of the approval issues and the weekend to drunk and get died soon scenario plot on. I have other things I care about every single weekend, its different. However I sort the things in front of me. You cannot do that kind of the life. Not taken as it comes, it must be you dictate your own very life. Someone just meant it, screw it up. 

As long as those UB they don't make it here, its their life so set-up I am telling you, Life must be fix, and someone all doing that to you.

They are, or they will.

Everyone's life must bent around you. You are really saying that all loud to everyone. I told you. Not anything one thing will be true to anything they UB wish and pray or very very selfishly believing someone doesn't end up in the jail in the end of all this. 

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