
You 2 (cap girls), here!


How are you?

Thor and I talking about you 2. Moon idea, SMCH says 3rd, and you remember Bohr, if anyone of them the girls talk about the moon and be burried there.

One day the moon will leave. That is the "Entire celestial" body drop. When its away from the Earth. Those beings are Greys you mean? You remember what you say, or I am guessing the Earth took their dead bodies there.

One of those you know the folktale myth and legand, all this words to do with O.

From the beginning, not to talk about it. So the Elder not happy, its the spirituality first, not the capitalism. You 2. "All the negative thought goes there!" "They are not happy!" "They are not what other people think."

Remember yourself say? Mars are worse, that is the moon idea !!!! Its affects the women's period, How long is your period, "7..." (cover the mouth)

7 days?

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