
You believing in it, the karma multiplication and the sense of that inner tranquility not reaching the equalibrium

I say what?

Repeat ....per second per degree til the day death shall be apart that whole universe suffered with or without Earthing promises, I say 5 Lords Review, that I am that I am. Understand? Its funny ~~ someone doesn't have a mood. Clap !!!!!!You have a meaning to exist.

Shi.....no one knows. How it really make it felt....

The rose garden gate. Zawanna and me in front of his daugher, waistline holding, her mother too busy on the world tour book fame. A kiss under that flower bed gate looking, something will be reminded. How much I meant it was so much that I cared. Don't you agree, these girls mean nothing.....at all. Every reality means. 

Shi ....the whole universe, shi.....

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