
(you say what, I forget you say ....don't talk to me, I cannot see anything, my hands have to type, its sored left hand)

Citi Bank I remember you, it went down 8 or 4 during that 2008, same as to the Gold too. I remember that, but I assuming if the news is having you with a time like that, didn't End at the newspaper, so I told Roswell City Pinterest that time. I told them....(No, you have to exist so I told them.), no, the physical building exist, I walk in. Linkedin does exist...I feel unsure, right now nothing stamp, but I taken the newspaper suppose to be near true. I will find out right....Your Chinese words when me and Tina's dad walking, I seen. He told me the Chinese name.

I say, "Oh~ That is where Tina works at."

Right....I have taken a brochure, not a stamp. You remember what you did. I make sure I show up once, all around there. You seeing yourself doing what???? (I cannot see, my eyes are sored, did I say that is my eye strain really, not really blank, its a different screen. Imagine you doing that every single day of it. This monitor so blazing white out looking to me.)

Too hurt on my eyes that is what I mean.

You know what you did....that is the uphill of Princess Diary. I been there. That looks a bit tide up too just like San Francisco. Not uphill, crowd, very very very crowd. They have the street cart too. I have reach that SF loving hut, so difficult that time for me, really. At night I drove right on the street cart to SF....right. I remember. 

Where Director wave at, its not where he seeing what Bill suppose to be at next by it Vicky and her stuff. But if there is a Tamang, re-oriented this Director.

Funny geography, really. I been to a lot of those place north California, I drive.

(cannot see, shake my heads....my eyes)

Is this metal....money, in front of those fly away human? No I can see Director its the nearest, everyone white out behind that....fence never moved as clear, they are the same color. 

(Maybe I should lay down. My eyes....cannot see.)

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