
No, I make the treasure hunt one time in that woods looking under, its a cottage river side, the trees all around.

The....Hank's TV, Shane, and that Ronan next by Gately - the Public Relation.

We that high school, the leadership that involved to 25 class, has a Perfect and a PR. So is our Team or the Roller blades. I think you all just stand there for the gathering to eat?  Similar to the Twilight, standing side by, and now with the 2 kids?

I watch the kids, and Mimmo they talk to their dad. Nonno. I play with Alyssa.

I bury the objects in the water, the tree behind, probably a combination of 10 site, Alyssa and Dimitri gone to. I print them. 

I walk with Alyssa in the trail, no car around. 

What is the group activities? 

You mean after BGT that Diversity ends? We ...have a mountain up between the guy and the girl's group activities. What? What is that?


"Today we have some activities the day after you all sleep through and walk up the mountain this cottage, the guys PR and me the girl's PR here we have the activity today. In this chair we sit around this big space, one of the activity we gonna do its on my whistle  (Chinese mantra), you all have to find a seat and sit there."

"Nonno would be the piece of paper you see how its written the words in it, each of you have a name tag on you. but here these are the folded words with nonno on it, to put in the box, so are all your name you written in, and we put both one as your name tag, one is in this draw box."


"Yesterday we have plan this for our high school roller blades clubs to this boy and the girls social event, and so we have some of this planning between the captain and the PR that I am filling in right here, all this stuffs in front of it. You can tell this group activities room is big, so when you run at each other, he is the one remain standing."

"We about to run this 3 times, the girls get up on your feet, so is the guys getting up with your fat ass, so count on 3, you will be running ends next by each other. That is fine."

"These boxes are for Christmas that I cargo myself here, there is probably nothing in it. But they are all wrapped. Its the garbage box you can all find in the end of the every grocery store, its the wrapping paper Nonno had, and this is where you gonna destroy all this cargo boxes, its about 2 hours drive."

"At this 10th grade we are here, and this boy school the third boy school, this is so hot outside the Daan Park, we all probably be the stranger for each other for the rest of the semester, but here is the location we all stand at, this is the big park, you know where you are? Okay, as you know, this is to met the boys and the girls as our class name here. And so we are going to do some foot step activities, On my whistle. No, we are not going to sit here, you cannot see any chair here. "

"Here me and Nonno just talked about this morning, I had this 10 objects insert a note written in English how you will read and find the next objects and its all around Nonno's house, you and him buddy together. It might be in the water, Nonno gonna follow you.  I am on the other side the exterior of the house where your bike is,  you are at the posterior of the house behind. Let's say, you and him pair up and literally know how to do this. "

"Easter in our time, this is a tradition, we have the egg to bury outside in the ground, here is the shuffle, and each this eggs will be someone making them or painting on this kitchen desk. Here is the paints, here are the eggs. The food you looking at is behind that counter, you will be sitting at this counter, painting your hide out eggs. inside we gonna put the things in it. "

"You drill a hole, lightly, and you dump out the whole egg yolk egg white things in the bucket, and you start to paint on the shell, you can rinse in the facet there, this whole afternoon, you doing nothing but paint like 20 eggs each, no, look, lightly knock on the top, just a little bit, or your brother can do that for you, you keep the empty shell, washed."

"What we gonna do? We gonna put in the basket, and we gonna burred them outside all over the house around here, and your time will come to go looking for them. Nonno can put the money in there. You are the Ronan catholic, your brother just got baptized. "

Instructive, that is what I mean. Being somewhat instructive to some activities around.

"We have about 15 -20 people around this chair we sit in the circle. We gonna pass down the newspaper, and discuss one thing in the current affair that happens in our latest 2 or 3 days news and you can find the newspaper dates are on the top, the corner top. Each of us we are going to introduce your name and what things is on this newspaper each one of you will find a different news inside to talk about. Here is the children's scissor, you can read through in this Chinese language, and cut it that newspaper, we will discuss this in 20 mins. What this news get about your daily life, or what you see about you wish to talk about, our current event right now on our news media here. "

I probably meant your own environment - the family life. 

You just sit on eating and staring at each other? 

Background the room music, here

"Today we have all this long table we bring some activities to come to some of the beas making the thread, its bracelet. Well, I went to this Art & Craft store, guess what name that was? Never mind.  In Canada is called Ruffy, in America is called Joann. You know one of those plaza has the separate building like the Madarin standing there, its a buffet, that is how Canada built things all around. "

"Well, for the children side, we have this paper scissor like the Hawaii, in the ring structure, you glue. In the bracelet session, you see how this small tiny container, you put the selection of the alphbet, or some of this as BIG AS my eye sight can ever SEE it, its unbelievable what they sell there....as BIG as my eye sight EVER can see. "

(The end, I have to go to nap)

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