
194 如果正常艦隊,台灣在 23.5 緯度,對 ! 直接射擊是? 直接到屋頂我的頭上 (我站著)

除非我躺著,畫像那樣,這是最好的狀態 ! 腿打開 ~一模一樣

Only if I lay down, exactly like the painting, the 2 feet open, exactly the same


The Egyptian that kind of the painting

No, with Europe, your www all IP address supposed to be their commercial through this Youtube all kinds of the video before you can watching a normal video.  They are best for if you want to entangle your language more than 3 roots of those language. 

Right now you may not needed + I got restrain on the language part, that is 3 out of the 5 Super Power Nation in the UN. A lot of this things I do it on my own initiative over the classified materials. Most time people will tell you, they don't care about it. What you gonna do? Every classify material asking them, asking the authority? 

How far this future gonna lasting toward ...I don't really know. 

I think I can lay my own hospital here, you don't know what I say that one Amy case in Britney Spear's musical video. That is 1000 US dollar over one time ambulance. You doing anything like that Peyton's fee in American surgery room, you bankrupt the parents no matter what. Its very very expensive in the Western any world. With the Asia, their touching the hair, or the hospital patients case will be the most through out the last 100 years at least.

The target patients case.

I already told Mark the things I told him before, and I explain to a lot of them too. There are people whom are lower than they are the financial bracket going to somewhere else (not Asia) to do what things in those land, they just go to the court and asking them if they can move the court here in Taiwan while they go to the hospital here. I told them, their TV might have to go to America.  So its a flying from Taiwan to America.

One Mark case. The rest...no, I don't know. 

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