
BTX ends...because MB God and Zawanna Lamp, or (the birds now say)

You all revenge to people, if they do that ...exactly to me. Almost every term, they can do that to me, just never to any of you. Your evolution or the popularity too needed those face. They are God's form. Roughly right or unless there is something I don't know on the Flower Thousand Bones (2015) that side? 

Is that about Nicky?

Right...as a girl as me? I didn't get my court room stuff told or heard anything, meaning everyone is still in processing. But I understand what you mean...you mean if Nicky doesn't have anything follow this? One of those American dating manual?

How about the worse of all worsen scenario, I just do what you all girls do, I travel by myself and clearly finding everything out as I landed there? I make myself easy between this England or Ireland understand their travel airline, if through America or Taiwan, both end side. I am fluent to do that. 

You mean as a guy he is your assignment, or he is your only guy, one of those? We talked about it. Me and Nicky. That conversation didn't have any term, maybe you mean we "end it the bad term"? None of that are correct. If I am so sure, things its exactly how he or me plan, it won't get to that point. But if get to the point I have to, I just land after the court room, I am imagining a guy, or imagining a life !!! You are trying to imagine its per Monday the trash bag, or the trash can. That is what you mean you resist inside your brain, every chore inside the house its very very very difficult.

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