
Can you do something normal ....I didn't tell you every post = money stable.

There is a scene about Love and Affection meaning e-harmoney the reality nick used to told me, or whatever his attitude was to blah on it. I was so young that time, and things were not stable, I just don't have a debt to begin that talk.

Right now that was 20 years pass and gone, and I am arriving to my own bracket of the 40 years old. So are those in debts human on the American map all over the location through that American Medical Board, they have a reason for doing that, or that is the guys they shift themselves with what things I have no idea ....now. To me, I will describe to you a reality: That is in that e-harmony, its every guy let's say I describe to Karen her new lover's type in the drinking bar wine, one of those having more than the full paid the main house + with some other just sold or acquire property, the real estate and people go and watching that maintainese for their uncle, or aunt, or the classmate / neighbor's home house, that they are the stable people in their finance. I one time talk about what he looks like even with the ASMR video from Korea.

I am not sure if everyone saw that, or see that. I say that is Karen's choice through the drinking wine bar place. The chulby guy a bit.

Now, the only reality if I don't have the UB crowd we are all at the 40 years old, the true reality should be and only be: They people on that e-harmony looking for the women whom has already the house paid full or in that location she is stable. A lot a lot a lot of the guys are entering those field are exactly they meant it seeking the love are on those establishment in front of that house, they investigation on the debts issue. Some are divorced, some have something, some make it in life, let's say 40 years above, we might be still young, considering the medical school the expense like that 7 Heaven TV shows, Mat and Sarah. I actually used to know that very well. 

But nobody just concur with me, next by me, not -500 dollar per month, the Loving the Silent Tear the first train its you all UB on the map hidden agenda FOREVER. That is too many of you looking at that scene. I say it over again and again: THOSE are not the career or the jobs. You don't make it in time right now, I am 40 years old, I already had that name since I was 32 years old. I don't think they do on purpose to that Mu or the material science what not thing they guessing I will EVER to be that smart to move in the material science, NOT the BIO discovery. The material science will be the LEAST thing the American side of the human be telling you. That is literally I am telling you so.

A normal girl even in Asia, they will FOREVER NEVER be uttering the mouthful words "the Material Science" never stop talking about it like its a norm thing, a common thing, I forget....now I heard them, no. I forget.  I was too exciting, that is why I am telling you about, it felt like the middle school, the high school again, if that is the notice to the TRUE reality!!!!  I entering the vision scene, not the reality. I keep telling you I never stop seeing the things in front of me, all the time. 

The sorting feeling, when you have no burden in life to imagine the career choice, you just be happy about it !!!

( Do you ever had a movie: like this person having the eyes open, and looking straight, but the hand are drawing never stop?! Do you have someone like that behind inside your whichever world? Paid? )

I am looking like that. 

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