
I can tell you the combine things....I might think of. Like this UB MD 6+1 traps the next 40 years, similar to the jails indoor.

Or where you show me where Annca is. If they got admitted to those even the hospital pays for it included, etc etc ....let's say they dress those white pajamas, like Annca. Me no. The photo picture I show you those medical student outside with the line. My mother brought all this clothing in. I didn't think.  I didn't look at myself.

In 40 years, its they cannot coming out of the real world you saying the living through the sun, drinking the river water, or camping, or anything almost identical to these jail inmates, its the jail cafeteria given the food steady, 3 meals literally speaking, and they got the free activities, or the library or what not, other than the cells? I don't really know. 

If people got prison in for a very long time, they gonna lose everything sense outside. The sun too bright, the freedom too much, they have no more ability to work in the regular world, they can only keep going back to the jail. The meal, the sunlight, the exposure of the air outside that fence. There is nothing normal about it.

Some people have the family outting, they go to the river side and camp, they BBQ, or they sit in the camping chair, those travel champing chair. All these are the normal family life. Someone has a steady family life and the career. They decide to have a kid or two, and they make it the profession with the kids in the house. They all have their own room, and the school, or the family outting time.

When you nurture someone's health back...or nurture a situation back. You don't know how long anything time gonna take.

Per step, per skin, per patch? Even to myself? You doing things with the care to becoming this giant, I looking up the wall and seeing the monitor? How do I feel when I seeing all that? You doing things real, and you presence to ensure things be delivered or just be presence, whichever way to sound literally speaking. 

I wonder why I even saying that....you making the tincture or the soup, you literally wait for those hours to passing it by or you saying what the literally script plot if were just the theme songs, oh ~me?!!!

Anatomy and Physiology combine, and you mean literally travel, the literally sitting hours to make a soup, or chop the vegetable, you mean the skill to input a soup?

A clear soupy?

I feel very very very exhausted to every TV or the movies. Maybe there are too many other things attached, so when the TV made like that, when I saw it to understand whom else all around, this is cage me to feel stabilized, or I should just burst out.

Conan Detective is ....those are the grade students. The older ones are dying it out. You mean how I literally watching a TV anymore. None. Not that sound like in Chinese, not those romance, you mean the teen's love kind. 

I don't know how to describe it anymore. My brother I can tell he flying it back and forth.

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