
I start as a calm person.

I need that 8 years meditation, that’s not possible. Chi. It’s a lot real damage if without either it’s real or high tech by the internal realization they shield you from. Meaning per thoughts, per act, per deed.

When I was young, I also cared some thing, but most human doesn’t have a look with the literacy to say a hopeful future, you can see that in every guy.  These UB they are only driven per Friday to see 10 people in a night setting their vision blind their mouth mute. You mean the culture to care 10 people? Looking like a very hopeful to each other blossom or the money or the purse or the style in the rural world that has zero money, that’s sad and unbelievable insist doing that. 

They being train or the human must adapted changes otherwise be on the street. Every single one last them. That’s why it’s the useless people prevailing …and be joyful. Even my brother had this what school offer them get together friendship, same aged. He is conditioned driven, but they lie or they real a stressful job with their height. 

Oh imagine in 10 years next, someone just one of them delivers this kinds of speech, saying age 40 to be that clear life has to live on the changes, they would have say inhuman, how I baby the handicap because my family got nothing but the handicap. When I will be told clearly …

(Everything I wrote before, I highly doubt it. It just another 10 years. I still live on.)

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