
I think my mother has 2 Asian women + 1 very very lacking will soon what...not telling anything after COVID 19.

Everyone puts the jobs first and keep that jobs for 20-40 years, so I thought that is true. 

Maybe UB they got lucky they will always be true. Then good luck to them with all of this TV with so few of the penny options they ever got.

you mean 911, like Obama is the coin, and that is a fish wire? I didn't tend to put a make-up that time. 

I just heard about 40 mins ago. I need to dry clean this floor map + washing it, and then all flip over on the ground to clean up the ground. Its so hot outside, to dry. I finish cleaning on the 2 floor mat. I don't do everything all at once, but every so often done, its lasting many many many months ahead during those interval time. I used to use the alcohol wipe.

That muji plastic cup + tape water outside + the clothing powder, use the hand to mix inside? My floor mat? They are the strong powder detergent, not tend to use the finger, but I was....

Dry clean means away from me, all this dusty hair or the dusts dust dust yesterday all over me. I need to lay on my bed, not touching my bed this clothing? I need to take a shower no matter what. I finish my woredrobe on the indoor wear, this ugly dress green its up there. 

They know my password, what the ET world, the green adults. 

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